Diabetic Exam

Blood sugar levels are not the only worry for patients with diabetes. The health of the heart, kidneys, feet, and eyes also require close monitoring to avoid adverse effects of diabetes.

Diabetics have a higher risk of developing glaucoma and cataracts than non-diabetic patients. The biggest risk for long-term diabetic patients with uncontrolled blood sugars is diabetic retinopathy.

Untreated diabetic retinopathy will lead to permanent partial or total blindness by damaging the blood vessels in the retina. The symptoms of diabetic retinopathy often begin with blurry vision. Diabetic retinopathy is often found as a result of an eye examination due to vision impairment. If not stopped, vision will progressively get worse.

Diabetic patients are recommended to have regular annual eye exams to monitor the health of the blood vessels and check for any bleeding within the eye. An annual diabetic exam includes pupil dilation to provide a better look into the eye, all the way to the back. The ADA (American Diabetes Association) recommends the first eye exam for a type 1 diabetic to be five years after diagnosis. Type 2 diabetics should begin eye exams immediately after diagnosis as type 2 diabetes can have existed for many years before it is discovered.

Eye Care Associates of Bethany provides expert diabetic examinations in Bethany, Oklahoma. Call 405-495-5170 for your appointment today.